Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts


Feb 2013 hello from Mello Yellow

Just a normal day at home catching up on cleaning and YouTube
Poplin yellow button up (old) RL, striped sweater last yr old navy
Eyes Lorac Pro
Cheeks tarte cream stick true love
Lips Dior addict 223 with Revlon lilac cream gloss

I know, I expressed zero imagination but oh well still love the feel of an old button up


Feb 2013 Thank YOU

From Galveston Island, South Houston, TX 

Below is the statistics from my blog page The Shaggy Palm Tree

I started blogging as an outlet for all the ideas that swim in my mind. While performing daily task and find myself in my mind conducting a full page, (college worthy) article about a subject only to finish it in my mind and let it go, or so I thought, several weeks later it would re-pop into my head. Blogging was a way to finalize my thoughts. Yes, I would blog if no one read my blog, it is my personal journal that I made public. The fact is I am so honored than people do read my blog. Thank you so much! My intent is to educate, entertain and along the way enrich others with my rants and reviews. Also, as you know, I am kid free, but I do have nieces and nephews and I want them to have this for when they are older and to remember better than limited time I get to spend with them. Almost 98% of my post are the original drafts that flow from my mind to my fingers. I type it out, and hit publish; therefore, I ask your forgiveness for miss spellings, what you read is the flow of words that stream out of my mind the same as music is written on paper. My words are simply that just words, nothing special, but if I don't write, my mind will not shut up. 


Jan 2013 his and her in blue

I look like the cat who ate the canary, lip, MAC lady danger

playing with his new tech toy
Birds of a feather flock together?  I guess it is true, this is what we wore shopping in Houston, and no we didn't plan on us both wearing a blue button up.


Jan 2013 turquoise eyes

What happens when a blue eyed Irish man immigrates to the new world in the 1800's? He falls in love of course to a beautiful green eyed American Indian native woman. The result, off spring with turquoise eye color. The halo of deep blue around the green in my eyes is found in my sister as well as our paternal father The Pantone emerald green makes 2013 a stylish year indeed.

Wearing cotton Target turtle neck, note to self buy smaller size next winter
Foundation ELDWL
Cheeks Nars orgasm
Eyes jordanna mascara, harmony in crease, above crease pro palette Loroc peachy matte color, l'oreal liquid liner, waterline MAC teddy, lashes natural (my own)
Lips: liner-boots No7 nude, Dior addict 223, revlon lilac cream gloss
Scent shalimar guerlain perfume

Disclaimer all products purchased with own money, not sponsored


Jan 2013 christmas tree scent

This was our Christmas tree scent after thanksgiving before switching to maple pumpkin 

we also like the mistletoe spray from Yankee candle company 


Jan 2013 Mesquite Creek look back

Chain saw - southern woman
Yes, this is little ol' me. I was helping the hubs prep a spot for our garden. This is why people shouldn't mess with southern women. It was fun getting saw dust everywhere and smelling the fresh cut mesquite trees.


Our next move, Hello San Antonio

picture from bing images

San Antonio appears to be our next place to call home. As readers of my blog you all know that the hubs and I are both nurses and currently I am a house wife working on my health and the hubs is still in school working on his doctorate in nursing education. Our potential move is due to his education, a wonderful clinical opportunity has culminated in San Antonio which we have been searching for, for almost a year. So even though, I am super spoiled to coastal living (translate: go to the ocean every single free day) I am being supportive and looking at the fun side of exploring San Antonio. 

As a native Texan, I of course know the tourist side of San Antonio, but it was always, love to visit, not live there type of opinion. After living almost ten years in Wichita Falls, you know the place that is Hotter'N Hell and is known to be so hot that your car tires crack and street lamp post melt in August, I know sounds miserable. I was so enjoying the cool summer of Galveston in 2012, that the prospects of summer in San Antonio this year 2013, I am not lying has got me a bit bummed. Of course, I will keep myself busy and perhaps now that I am over 100lbs lighter the summer heat will not feel so suppressive.

Things I am focused on to keep up my spirits.
1.      On the occasion that Marnie's Musings - YouTube has a meet up at the local Mall, I will finally be able to attend with the other viewers.
2.      I have 30 Calico cotton skirts that I will get to be dressed in and look preppy and lady like in this summer. Due to the skirts are hand sewn and customized by me, I have to admit that my style and taste is not to everyone’s habit, but its all part of "living your best life." I know I should be embarrassed to own that many skirts but I am not. I have been collecting them over years of summers and each one is so unique and pretty.
3.      I have noticed that as we get older (mid 40’s) the hubs and I enjoy educational activities, we are both looking forward to going on numerous history and ghost tours . We are both very familiar with the Mexican culture, especially being Texas Nurses (OMG, how we are pushed, scolded and forced to except being culturally sensitive as a nurse, trust me, nurses are the #1 non-judging people on the planet, it’s our job) sorry I digressed, we are looking forward to exploring the Mexican culture that is San Antonio. 

Final event to take place before moving away from South Houston, go visit Space Center Houston - NASA Tour


Jan 2013

Green again old navy sweater, target plaid button up, black jeggings old, Black knee boots old, pearl necklace forever 21. Just in case your wondering I am nearly 6ft tall


Wish list Jan 2013

Wish list in honey toned brown to go with my cognac brown knee winter boots


Jan 2013

My winter: Texas snowman. Fat free, low carb homemade cheesecake, poinsettia with glitter


Life in Pictures Dec 2012 white jeans

What I am wearing, don't judge, white jeans in winter, my excuse: I live on the Gulf Coast


Life in Pictures puzzles

Winter games, puzzle time, did I mention I hate puzzles, working on pushing limit of comfort zone, it's good for my character


Life in Pictures Dec 2012

Snow in Texas from my nephew and niece in north Texas over Christmas winter break
I wonder where the hat originated from?


Winter 2012 Christmas Eve

Cozy day at home, sipping hot coco and watching DVR of Christmas classic tv, miser brothers, a year without a Christmas, the grinch movie and cartoon

10 oz room temp water add to water 1/3 cup dry powder milk, and splenda to taste, stir well, microwave on high till hot (depends on your microwave size) then add 2 TBSP all natural cocoa powder (I use Hershey found on the bake isle at the grocery store) This is sugar and fat free and the cocoa will not mix in unless the water is hot. 

Dry milk MUST go first when water is cold, if you had it when water is hot it will curdle